
This command is used to construct an ASDCoupledHinge3D section object.
It is a phenomenological section for lumped-plasticity modeling of RC beam-column elements that considers P-M-M interaction.
Internally it uses the Pinching4 material object for the moment-rotation responses in the My and Mz DOFs.
Using a P-M-M interaction domain, it internally updates the backbone curves of the My/Mz materials to account for P-M-M interaction.
section ASDCoupledHinge3D $tag $Ktor $Kvy $Kvz? $Kax
-initialFlexuralStiffness $Ky $Kz
-thetaP $thetaPy $thetaPz
-thetaPC $thetaPCy $thetaPCz
<-simpleStrengthDomain $Nmin $Nmax $MyMax $MzMax $NMMax>
<-strengthDomainByPoints $nN $nTheta $listN $listMy $listMz>
<-hardening $as>
<-hystereticParams $rDispP $rForceP $uForceP $rDispN $rForceN $uForceN>
<-damageUnloadStiffness $gk1 $gk2 $gk3 $gk4 $gklim>
<-damageReloadStiffness $gd1 $gd2 $gd3 $gd4 $gdlim>
<-damageForce $gf1 $gf2 $gf3 $gf4 $gflim>
<-damageType $type $ge>






Unique tag identifying this section.

$Ktor $Kvy $Kvz? $Kax

4 float

Mandatory. Penalty stiffnesses for torsional, shear-y, shear-z and axial responses respectively.

-initialFlexuralStiffness $Ky $Kz

string + 2 string

Mandatory. -initialFlexuralStiffness: A keyword preceding the 2 strings. $Ky and $Kz: Strings representing (currently Tcl only) expressions for the initial rotational stiffnesses.

-thetaP $thetaPy $thetaPz

string + 2 string

Mandatory. -thetaP: A keyword preceding the 2 strings. $thetaPy and $thetaPz: Strings representing (currently Tcl only) expressions for the pre-cap rotations.

-thetaPC $thetaPCy $thetaPCz

string + 2 string

Mandatory. -thetaPC: A keyword preceding the 2 strings. $thetaPCy and $thetaPCz: Strings representing (currently Tcl only) expressions for the post-cap rotations.

<-simpleStrengthDomain $Nmin $Nmax $MyMax $MzMax $NMMax>

string + 5 float

Optional. -simpleStrengthDomain: A keyword activating the use of the simplified interaction domain. $Nmin $Nmax $MyMax $MzMax $NMMax: Values for the simplified interaction domain representing the minimum axial strength, maximum axial strength, maximum My, maximum Mz and the value of axial coordinate of MyMax and MzMax.

<-strengthDomainByPoints $nN $nTheta $listN $listMy $listMz>

string + 2 integer + 3 list

Optional. -strengthDomainByPoints: A keyword activating the use of the interaction domain as a structured list of triplets (N, My, Mz). $nN $nTheta: 2 integers defining the number of points along the axial direction and the number of points along each My-Mz section. $listN $listMy $listMz: Lists of floats (size = nN * nTheta) for the N, My and Mz (respectively) coordinates of each point. Points are expected going from Nmin to Nmax. For each N coordinate, nTheta values (at constant N) of N My and Mz are expected going in ccw direction from the point N(i), My(max), Mz(zero).

<-hardening $as>

string + 1 float

Optional. -hardening: A keyword defining the hardening ratio. $as: Hardening ratio of Mu (ultimate moment) to My (yield moment).

<-hystereticParams $rDispP $rForceP $uForceP $rDispN $rForceN $uForceN>

string + 6 float

Optional. Same as those defined for Pinching4 material here: https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Pinching4_Material.

<-damageUnloadStiffness $gk1 $gk2 $gk3 $gk4 $gklim>

string + 5 float

Optional. Same as those defined for Pinching4 material here: https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Pinching4_Material.

<-damageReloadStiffness $gd1 $gd2 $gd3 $gd4 $gdlim>

string + 5 float

Optional. Same as those defined for Pinching4 material here: https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Pinching4_Material.

<-damageForce $gf1 $gf2 $gf3 $gf4 $gflim>

string + 5 float

Optional. Same as those defined for Pinching4 material here: https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Pinching4_Material.

<-damageType $type $ge>

string + string + float

Optional. Same as those defined for Pinching4 material here: https://opensees.berkeley.edu/wiki/index.php/Pinching4_Material.


  • In the current implementation this section works only for the Tcl interpreter. The Python counterpart will be available soon.

Example 2 - Simple Tcl example


Code Developed by: Diego A. Talledo at IUAV, Italy. Massimo Petracca at ASDEA Software, Italy.