Arch Instability
6 min read • 1,092 wordsSeveral nonlinear static analysis methods are used to investigate instabilities in a shallow arch.
The files for this example are:
- This file contains the function arch_model
which is used construct the modelIncrementalAnalysis.ipynb
- This is the current Jupyter notebook fileimport numpy as np
import opensees.openseespy
# Create the model
def arch_model():
# Define model parameters
L = 5000
Rise = 500
Offset = 200
# Compute radius
R = Rise/2 + (2*L)**2/(8*Rise)
th = 2*np.arcsin(L/R)
# Build the model
model = opensees.openseespy.Model(ndm=2, ndf=3)
# Create nodes
ne = 10
nen = 2 # nodes per element
nn = ne*(nen-1)+1
mid = (nn+1)//2 # midpoint node
for i, angle in enumerate(np.linspace(-th/2, th/2, nn)):
tag = i + 1
# Compute x and add offset if midpoint
x = R*np.sin(angle)
if tag == mid:
x -= Offset
# Compute y
y = R*np.cos(angle)
# create the node
model.node(tag, x, y)
# Define elastic section properties
E = 200
A = 1e4
I = 1e8
model.section("ElasticFrame", 1, A=A, E=E, I=I)
# Create elements
transf = 1
model.geomTransf("Corotational", transf)
for i in range(ne):
tag = i+1
nodes = (i+1, i+2)
model.element("PrismFrame", tag, nodes, section=1, transform=transf)
model.fix( 1, 1, 1, 0)
model.fix(nn, 1, 1, 0)
# Create a load pattern that scales linearly
model.pattern("Plain", 1, "Linear")
# Add a nodal load to the pattern
model.load(mid, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, pattern=1)
# Select linear solver, and ensure determinants are
# computed and stored.
# model.system("ProfileSPD")
# model.system("FullGeneral")
# model.system("BandGeneral")
model.system("Umfpack", det=True)
model.test("NormUnbalance", 1e-6, 25, 9)
return model, mid
In this problem, we investigate how this programmatic interface can be used to solve a highly nonlinear problem. Consider the shallow arch shown below (Clarke and Hancock, 1990):
This problem exhibits several critical points along the solution path, and requires the use of a sophisticated algorithm to properly traverse these. In this study, we will investigate how the OpenSees framework can be used to compose these algorithms.
We will perform the analysis by creating an OpenSees Model
data structure, and using
its methods to perform various tasks. A method is simply a function that
is linked to a particular instance of a data structure. In this case, the Model
data structure holds the geometry and state (i.e., the current values of solution variables) of our structural model. Some methods that you might see being used in this notebook include (you wont need to make any changes to the use of any of these):
This method configures the iteration strategy to be performed
in the next incrementModel.analyze(n)
This method applies n
increments, and between each increment, performs Newton-Raphson iterations.In this notebook, the Model
data structure is created by the arch_model
helper function, which we load from the file
from arch import arch_model
We’ll also find the following imports convenient:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scienceplots["steel"]) #(["ieee", "science", "notebook"])
Our general strategy is implemented in the following function solve()
This function adopts an incremental approach
where the load is applied in small steps of varying size.
The arguments to the function are:
: an OpenSees Model
: an integer indicating which node to collect results from.Both of these arguments will be supplied by the arch_model
helper function mentioned
def analyze(model, mid, increment, steps, dx, *args):
# Initialize some variables
xy = [] # Container to hold solution history (i.e., load factor and displacement at `node`)
status = 0 # Convergence flag; Model.analyze() will return 0 if successful.
# Configure the first load increment strategy; explained below
increment(model, dx, *args)
for step in range(steps):
# 1. Perform Newton-Raphson iterations until convergence for 1 load
# increment
status = model.analyze(1)
# 2. Store the displacement and load factor
xy.append([model.nodeDisp(mid, 2), model.getTime()])
# 3. If the iterations failed, try cutting
# the increment arc-length in half
if status != 0:
dx /= 2
increment(model, dx, *args)
return np.array(xy).T
The strategies used by Clarke and Hancock are:
def solution0(model, dx):
model.integrator("LoadControl", 400.0)
def solution1(model, dx):
Jd = 5
model.integrator("LoadControl", dx, Jd, -800., 800.)
def solution2(model, dx, *args):
Jd = 5
mid, dof = args
model.integrator("DisplacementControl", mid, dof, dx, Jd)
def norm_control(model, dx, *args):
Jd = 15
model.integrator("MinUnbalDispNorm", dx, Jd, -10, 10, det=True)
def arc_control(model, dx, *args, a=0):
model.integrator("ArcLength", dx, a, det=True, exp=0.0, reference="point")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# x, y = solution0(*arch_model(), 6, 400.0)
# ax.plot(-x, y, 'x', label="S0")
# x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), solution1, 6, 400.0)
# ax.plot(-x, y, 'x', label="S1")
# print(y)
model, mid = arch_model()
x, y = analyze(model, mid, solution2, 7, -150, *(mid, 2))
ax.plot(-x, y, 'o', label="S2")
x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), solution2, 536, -1.5, *(mid, 2))
ax.plot(-x, y, '-', label="S2")
# x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), arc_control, 9500, 0.5, 0)
# ax.plot(-x, y, "-", label="arc")
x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), arc_control, 110, 45)
ax.plot(-x, y, "x", label="arc")
# x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), arc_control, 80, 88, 0)
# ax.plot(-x, y, "+", label="arc")
# x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), arc_control, 80, 188, 0)
# ax.plot(-x, y, "*", label="arc")
# x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), arc_control, 8000, 0.8, 0)
# ax.plot(-x, y, "x", label="arc")
# x, y = analyze(*arch_model(), norm_control, 7000, 1.0)
# ax.plot(-x, y, "-", label="norm")
ax.set_title("Displacement vs Load Factor")
ax.set_ylabel(r"Load factor $\lambda$")
ax.set_xlabel("Displacement $u$")
ax.set_xlim([0, 1200])
ax.set_ylim([-800, 3000])
<Figure size 2560x1920 with 1 Axes>
fix, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(-x, '.');
ax.set_title("Displacement vs Step Number")
ax.set_ylabel("Displacement $u$")
ax.set_xlabel("Analysis step $n$");
<Figure size 2560x1920 with 1 Axes>
The following animation of the solution is created in
Clarke, M.J. and Hancock, G.J. (1990) ‘A study of incremental‐iterative strategies for non‐linear analyses’, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 29(7), pp. 1365–1391. Available at: .