Inelastic Cantilever
4 min read • 784 wordsA plane cantilever column is shaken by an earthquake. Material nonlinearity is accounted for using the force formulation and fiber-discretized cross sections
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# !pip install -Ur requirements.txt
# Linear algebra library
import numpy as np
# Plotting library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# The next two lines set reasonable plot style defaults
import scienceplots'science')
## Configure units
# Units are based on inch-kip-seconds
import opensees.units.iks as units
pi = units.pi;
ft = units.ft;
ksi = units.ksi;
inch = units.inch;
## Distributed Inelasticity 2d Beam-Column Element
# fiber section
Set up basic model geometry
# import the openseespy interface which contains the "Model" class
import opensees.openseespy as ops
# generate Model data structure
model = ops.Model(ndm=2, ndf=3)
# Length of cantilever column
L = 8*ft;
# specify node coordinates
model.node(1, 0, 0 ); # first node
model.node(2, 0, L ); # second node
# boundary conditions
model.fix(1, 1, 1, 1 )
## specify mass
model.mass(2, 2.0, 1e-8, 1e-8)
## Element name: 2d nonlinear frame element with distributed inelasticity
# Create material and add to Model
mat_tag = 1 # identifier that will be assigned to the new material
E = 29000*ksi
fy = 60*ksi
Hkin = 0
Hiso = 0
model.uniaxialMaterial("Steel01", mat_tag, fy, E, 0.01)
# model.uniaxialMaterial("ElasticPP", mat_tag, E, fy/E)
# model.uniaxialMaterial("UniaxialJ2Plasticity", mat_tag, E, fy, Hkin, Hiso)
import opensees.section
# Load cross section geometry and add to Model
sec_tag = 1 # identifier that will be assigned to the new section
SecData = {}
SecData["nft"] = 4 # no of layers in flange
SecData["nwl"] = 8 # no of layers in web
SecData["IntTyp"] = "Midpoint";
SecData["FlgOpt"] = True
section = opensees.section.from_aisc("Fiber", "W24x131", # "W14x426",
sec_tag, tag=mat_tag, mesh=SecData, ndm=2, units=units)
import sees.section
<Figure size 350x262.5 with 1 Axes>
Printing the fiber section will display the effective cross-sectional properties which result from quadrature over the cross section fibers:
area: 38.42890000000003
ixc: 4013.509824163335
iyc: 343.8869259102087
cmd = opensees.tcl.dumps(section, skip_int_refs=True)
# Create element integration scheme
nIP = 4
int_tag = 1
model.beamIntegration("Lobatto", int_tag, sec_tag, nIP)
# Create element geometric transformation
model.geomTransf("Linear", 1)
# Finally, create the element
# CONN Geom Int
model.element("ForceBeamColumn", 1, (1, 2), 1, int_tag)
# State = Initialize_State (Model,ElemData)
# State = Structure('stif',Model,ElemData,State)
# Initialize the analysis state for transient analysis
# Form stiffness and mass matrices
Kf = model.getTangent(k=1.0) # free DOF stiffness matrix Kf for initial State
Mf = model.getTangent(m=1.0) # free DOF mass matrix Ml
print("Kf:", Kf, sep="\n")
print("Mf:", Mf, sep="\n")
[[ 1.57505061e+03 0.00000000e+00 7.56024291e+04]
[ 0.00000000e+00 1.16087302e+04 -1.21265960e-12]
[ 7.56024291e+04 -1.21265960e-12 4.83855547e+06]]
[[2.e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00]
[0.e+00 1.e-08 0.e+00]
[0.e+00 0.e+00 1.e-08]]
Solve dynamic eigenvalue problem with scipy
function eig
import scipy.linalg
omega,Ueig = scipy.linalg.eig(Kf,Mf)
# echo eigenmode periods
print(' The three lowest eigenmode periods are')
T = 2*pi/np.sqrt(omega)
The three lowest eigenmode periods are
[4.47793313e-01+0.j 2.85641961e-07+0.j 5.83159707e-06+0.j]
In general the eigen
function should be used, which
takes advantage of sparsity in the system
for w in model.eigen(2):
# Apply damping in the first mode
zeta = 0.02
# alphaM, betaK = 0.01, 0.01
# model.rayleigh(alphaM, betaK, 0, 0)
# State = Add_Damping2State('Modal',Model,State,zeta)
# Deltat = 0.02
# AccHst = np.loadtxt("tabasFN.txt")
import quakeio
Event ="TAK000.AT2")
AccHst =
Deltat = Event["time_step"]
load_tag = 1
model.timeSeries('Path', load_tag, dt=Deltat, factor=1.0,
model.pattern('UniformExcitation', 1, 1, accel=load_tag)
## initialize data for solution strategy
# gam bet
model.integrator("Newmark", 1/2, 1/4, form="d")
nt = len(AccHst)
Uplt = np.zeros(nt)
Vplt = np.zeros(nt)
Aplt = np.zeros(nt)
Pplt = np.zeros(nt)
# Defo = zeros(np,1)
# Forc = zeros(np,1)
for k in range(nt):
if model.analyze(1, Deltat) != 0:
print("Analysis failed")
# extract values for plotting from response history
Uplt[k] = model.nodeDisp (2, 1)
Vplt[k] = model.nodeVel (2, 1)
Aplt[k] = model.nodeAccel(2, 1)
# Pplt[k] = Post[k].Pr[Pdof,:];
# Defo(k) = Post(k).Elem{1}.v;
# Forc(k) = Post(k).Elem{1}.q;
t = np.arange(nt)*Deltat;
Xp = t
Yp = (Uplt/L)*100
FigHndl, AxHndl = plt.subplots()
AxHndl.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
AxHndl.set_ylabel('Drift in X (\\%)')
<Figure size 350x262.5 with 1 Axes>
Xp = (Uplt/L)*100
Yp = Pplt
FigHndl, AxHndl = plt.subplots()
AxHndl.set_xlabel('Lateral Drift (\#)')
AxHndl.set_ylabel('Lateral Force $P$')
AxHndl.plot(Xp, Yp, 'b')
<Figure size 350x262.5 with 1 Axes>